Journal articles (since 2010)
““Peje entre dos aguas”: mestizo subjects in the eighteenth-century Hispanic Empire.” Dieciocho Añejo 6., 2020. 85-104.
“Introduction. Enlightenments in Ibero-America.” Co-authored with Mariselle Meléndez. Colonial Latin American Review. 24.1. 2015. 1-16.
“Catastrophe and Colony: Looking South.” Follow-up to the Colloquoy with the Author: Kathleen Donegan’s Seasons of Misery. November 2014 American Studies Association Conference. Dec. 1, 2014.
“Las pesadillas criollas en Secretos entre el alma y Dios (c. 1760) de Catalina de Jesús Herrera.” Guaraguao. Revista de Cultura Latinoamericana. Madrid: CECAL, 2011. 15-33.
Edited Issues (since 2010)
Colonial Latin American Review. Special Issue on “Latin American Enlightenments.” Co- edited with Mariselle Meléndez. 24.1 (2015).
Articles on Higher Education and University Governance (since 2010)
“’Regular Faculty’ and Citizen Participation: Re-Framing the Narrative of Higher Education.” Co-authored with Vialla Hartfield-Mendez. Special joint issue of the Bulletin of the ADE-ADFL (Association of Departments of English and Association of Departments of Foreign Languages) devoted to “Issues and Directions. Non-Tenure- Track Faculty in English and the Other Modern Languages.” 153.42.3 (2013): 48-62.
“Translating ‘America,’ Translating the ‘Other’: cross-cultural (mis)communications in an age of globalization.” Co-authored with Donald Tuten. The Academic Exchange (issue devoted to “The International Campus”). Autumn 2013.
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